Information Technology and Resources Policies Printed Version

Acceptable Use of College Technology (Policy 7.010)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; 1001.65; F.A.C. 6A-14.0261
Date Adopted:5/01; Rev. 6/08; 09/09; 04/12; 12/12
Date of Review:05/09; 08/11; 03/12


It is the policy of the Board that all persons use College Information Technology in a lawful and ethical manner for College related purposes only, in compliance with international, federal, state and local law, the State Board of Education Rules, and the policies and procedures of the College. All users are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects respect for the rights of others and protects the integrity of data, equipment, software licenses and other contractual agreements governing information technology.

Information Technology includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • computers;
  • computer systems;
  • workstations;
  • peripheral equipment (such as modems, terminals and printers) and related hardware and software;
  • e-mail and e-mail systems;
  • data sets;
  • storage devices (such as CD-ROMS and hard or soft drives);
  • networks (servers);
  • Internet access;
  • the CollegeWebsite and web pages;
  • closed-circuit television;
  • distance learning materials and technology;
  • on-line courses;
  • video courses and media-enhanced courses.
  1. Intent
    It is the intention of the Board to create an intellectual environment in which students, faculty and staff are free to create and to collaborate with colleagues, both locally and at other institutions, without fear that the products of their intellectual efforts will be violated by misrepresentation, tampering, destruction, theft, misuse or abuse.
  2. Acceptable Use
    1. Information technology use that supports and enables the effective and efficient completion of job description duties and assigned tasks is acceptable.
    2. Information technology use by faculty and students under the direction of faculty that contributes to scholarly research and academic work within the boundaries of the approved curriculum is acceptable.
    3. Occasional and infrequent personal use that does not interfere with job duties, supersede work responsibilities, cause harm or add additional cost to the College or unduly burden the College's technology resources is acceptable. Personal use of College-owned technology equipment categorized as “listed property” by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is subject to documentation of business use by the employee. Listed property is defined by the IRS as property used by employees in a business which is also prone to personal use (such as laptops and iPads).
  3. Prohibited Use
    Any use of College Information Technology that is inconsistent with this policy is prohibited and may subject violators to sanctions. Violations of this policy include, but are not limited to, the following:
    1. Use of College information technology to break any international, federal, state or local law or to aid in any crime.
    2. Use of College information technology for commercial purposes or personal profit.
    3. Use inconsistent with the College's sexual harassment policy; creating, viewing, printing, storing, transmitting or publicly displaying obscene, defaming, slanderous, harassing, or offensive data (including sound, video, text, and graphics data).
    4. Circumventing established College software security procedures or obtaining information systems access and passwords to which one is not entitled.
    5. Unauthorized alteration or removal of College hardware security systems.
    6. Unauthorized modifications to College hardware or software.
    7. Unauthorized access, alteration or destruction of another employee's data, programs, or electronic mail.
    8. Connecting or installing personal or non-College owned information technology hardware or software to the College network without prior approval.
    9. Installing non College owned software without prior approval and documented proof of legal licensure.
    10. Use of information technology to endorse, promote, lobby or raise money for any political candidate or political organization.
    11. Distribution of unwanted electronic mail or other messages or unauthorized use of any scheme (broadcast messages, chain letters, junk mail, "spamming") that may cause excessive network traffic or computing loads.
  4. Security Awareness
    The College ensures security by regulating access to the computer network, applications and other Information Technology resources. Access to the network system is controlled by the use of a personal login ID and passwords. Employees at all levels shall protect and make every effort to safe guard their network access and identity as set out in this policy and College procedures.
  5. Inspection
    Access to information technology at the College is a privilege, not a right, and shall be allowed or restricted as set out in this policy and related procedures. Data and materials created, stored or transmitted on College Information Technology systems should not be considered private. The Board reserves the right to review and inspect all data and materials on any computer or information technology system furnished by the College. The College may, in the normal course of maintenance and operations review of these systems, monitor, intercept, read and disclose any and all materials or data created, stored or transmitted on College systems. The College has the right to review the use of information technology systems for breaches of security, violations of College policy, or violations of employees' duties and responsibilities. Use of passwords, encryption or PIN numbers does not ensure confidentiality and may be overridden by the College.
  6. Consequences of misuse
    1. Access to College computing may be revoked for reasons including, but not limited to, attacking the security of the system, modifying or divulging private information such as file or mail contents of other users without their consent, modifying or destroying College data, or using the networks in a manner contrary to the established guidelines. Revocation of access may be done at any time by College system administrators in order to safeguard College resources and protect College privileges. Violations of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge, dismissal, and/or legal action (see Procedure 2.1700).
    2. For further information on responsible computer use, students should read the Student Handbook and Policy 3.010. Faculty and staff should read the State Board of Education Rules 6A-14.041 and 6A-14.0411.

Data Classification and Security (Policy 7.020)

Authority: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA); Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 (GLBA); Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996; F.S. 119.01 et seq; 257.36; 1001.64; 1001.65; FAC 6A-14.0261
Date Adopted: 08/2012; 01/2013
Date of Review: 09/2012


It is the policy of the Board of Trustees that Seminole State College enterprise-level administrative data are an asset owned by Seminole State College. The College will protect the integrity and confidentiality of all enterprise-level administrative data and all user-developed data sets and systems that may access these data regardless of the environment in which they reside (including enterprise systems, servers, personal computers, mini-computers, etc.); the media on which the data reside (including electronic, microfiche, printouts, CD, etc.); or the form they may take (text, graphics, video, voice, etc.)

Data will be classified and security measures will be implemented commensurate with their value, sensitivity, and risk.

The President will cause procedures to be developed and established to implement this policy.

Copyright Policy for Materials Developed (Policy 7.100)

Authority: F.S. 1001.64; 1004.726
Authority: 7/82; Rev. 7/92; 3/00; 12/04; 05/09; 01/2013
Date Adopted: 05/09; 08/11


It is the policy of the Board to recognize and encourage the development and production of work products related to educational endeavors that are subject to trademark, copyright, or patent statutes.

The President shall cause a procedure to be developed for the governance of materials developed by College personnel or students that are subject to trademark, copyright, or patent laws. This procedure shall be developed in accordance with the provisions of s. 1004.726 Florida Statutes.

Copyright Law Compliance (Policy 7.120)

Authority: F.S. 1001.64; US Code Title 17
Date Adopted: 10/95; Rev. 12/04; 05/09; 01/2013
Date of Review: 05/09; 08/11


  1. It is the policy of the Board that the College as an entity and its employees as individuals conform to the provisions of Florida Statutes and the US Code in respect to copyright of materials in all forms.
  2. These forms may be text, graphic, musical, sculpture or computer programs and may exist on the printed page, on film, recorded on magnetic tape, vinyl record, optical disc, electronic memory or other form.
  3. Departments or individuals may not copy or otherwise reproduce or alter any copyrighted materials without the express written consent of the copyright holder other than as provided in act or statute.
  4. Penalties for violation of this policy shall be established by the President, and published in the Procedures Manual.
  5. The President shall cause a procedure to be developed for implementation of this policy relative to the daily operation of the College.
