Instruction and Academic Affairs Policies Printed Version

College Programs and Awards (Policy 4.020)

Authority:Florida Statute 1001.64;1004.65; 1004.80; FAC 6A-14.030
Date Adopted:7/82; Rev. 7/92, 5/01, 12/04, 09/09


It is the policy of the Board that the College provides the educational programs and awards that meet the needs of the community.

  1. The College shall provide instruction in the following programs:
    1. Bachelor Degree Programs
    2. Associate in Arts Degree Programs
    3. Associate in Science Degree Programs
    4. Associate in Applied Science Degree Programs
    5. Applied Technology Diploma Programs
    6. Technical Certificate Programs
    7. Postsecondary Adult Vocational Certificate Programs
    8. Advanced Technology Certificate Programs
    9. Continuing Workforce Education
    10. Customized Vocational Instruction
    11. Adult Basic and Secondary Programs
    12. College Preparatory Instruction
    13. Vocational Preparatory Instruction
    14. Lifelong Learning Instruction
    15. Recreational and Leisure Time Instruction
  2. The College shall operate the business and economic development programs pursuant to the provision of s. 1004.80 F.S
  3. Program performance information on all programs that award Bachelor degrees, Bachelor of Applied Science degrees, Associate in Arts degrees, Associate in Sciences degree, Associate in Applied Science degrees, Applied Technology Diplomas, College Credit Certificates, and Vocational Certificates shall be provided to the Board each year.
  4. The President or designee shall establish the requirements and conditions for successful completion and for the awarding of all degrees, diplomas, and certificates granted by the College.

College Readiness (Policy 4.023)

Authority: F.S. 1001.64, 1004.93, 1008.30; F.A.C. 6A-10.0315
Date Adopted: 04/2013
Date of Review: ---


  1. The College shall ensure that Students demonstrate mastery of developmental education competencies (as defined in State Board Rule) indicating readiness for college level coursework.
  2. First Time In College (FTIC) students and students who have not met college level competency requirements will be properly placed either into college level academic work or in developmental education courses in the areas of Reading, Writing and Mathematics.
  3. Credit awarded for college preparatory/developmental education instruction may not be counted toward fulfilling the number of credits required for a degree.
  4. The College shall establish an institutional plan for assessing the mastery of developmental education competencies in compliance with Florida law.
  5. The President shall cause procedures to be developed to implement this policy.

Notification to Students on Alternatives to Traditional College Preparatory Instruction (Policy 4.026)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; 1007.263
Date Adopted:4/99; Rev 12/04, 05/09


It is the policy of the District Board of Trustees that students may use Adult Basic Education, Adult Secondary Education, or private provider instruction as an alternative to traditional college preparatory instruction.

The College shall notify students of this policy through the College catalog, classroom posters where preparatory instruction is conducted and brochures from alternative sources of remediation.


Evaluation of Prior Experiential learning (Policy 4.031)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64
Date Adopted:07/02
Date of Revision(s):12/04; 09/20


It is the Policy of the District Board of Trustees that credit may be earned by the evaluation of prior experiential learning. 

Evaluation of Prior Experiential Learning 

  1. Credit for prior experiential learning shall be awarded only for documented learning that demonstrates achievement of all outcomes for specific courses in an approved degree program. 
  2. Credit shall be awarded only to matriculated students, and shall be identified on the student's transcript as credit for prior experiential learning. Upon request from another institution the College shall document how such learning was evaluated and the basis on which such credit was awarded. 
  3. Credit for prior experiential learning shall not duplicate credit already awarded. 
  4. Departments and programs must clearly describe, and establish the validity of, the evaluation process and criteria for awarding credit for prior experiential learning. 
  5. The President shall establish procedures to implement this policy. This policy and the procedures implementing it shall be described in the College catalogue and shall be regularly reviewed.

Standards of Academic Progress (Policy 4.040)

Authority: F.S. 1001.64; 1004.65; 6A-14.060 FAC
Effective Date: 7/82; Rev. 7/92, 12/04; 04/2014
Date of Review: 05/09; 08/11; 01/2013; 04/2014


  1. It is the policy of the Board to require acceptable academic standing from students enrolled at the College. In general, acceptable academic standing is defined as achieving and maintaining a grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 (C), or higher, for all course work attempted at the College and at other institutions previously attended.
  2. The President or designee shall establish procedures related to standards of academic progress that include, but are not limited to, academic warnings, probation, suspension, and counseling for students. These procedures shall also include specific standards of academic progress for students receiving financial aid and for those participating in student government and intercollegiate athletics.

Academic Recognition and Graduation Honors (Policy 4.050)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; 1004.65; FAC 6A-14.060
Date Adopted:7/82
Date of Revision(s):7/92, 7/02, 12/04, 6/06, 05/09; 11/2019


  1. It is the policy of the Board that superior academic achievement be recognized. A College credit student enrolled in six (6) or more credit hours and a Career Certificate student enrolled in 180 contact hours (6 credit hours) will be eligible for the President's and Dean's Honors list.

    The following criteria shall apply:
    1. A student making a grade point average of 3.75 or above will be placed on the President's List for a period of one (1) term.
    2. A student making a grade point average of 3.25 to 3.74 inclusive will be placed on the Dean's List for that term.

  2. College Credit and Career Certificate students are eligible to be considered for graduation Honors if they have been in attendance at the College for at least two terms. The appropriate Honors are recorded on students' diplomas and their names are so identified on the graduation program. The Honors are based on scholastic achievement at all colleges and universities attended as follows:

    Grade Point Average (GPA)Honor
    3.2 - 3.49 grade point averageCum Laude
    3.5 - 3.79 grade point averageMagna Cum Laude
    3.8 - 4.0 grade point averageSumma Cum Laude
  3. College Credit students who have earned at least twenty (20) hours in Honors courses and have a 3.0 GPA will receive an Honors Diploma and be recognized at graduation.
  4. The Advanced STEM Certificate is awarded to those who complete the required courses with a minimum GPA of 3.2.
  5. Recognition by President or designee of official College Approved Honor Society(s) shall be posted to the student's transcript  at the time of graduation.

College Mass Media (Policy 4.060)

Authority:Florida Statute 1001.64
Date Adopted:7/82; Rev. 7/92, 12/04


The Board endorses the principle of freedom of the press. However, freedom of the press also carries with it certain responsibilities. Therefore, the President or designee is authorized to:

  1. Ensure that the overriding guideline which permeates student publications and other mass media supported by College funds is one of quality and responsibility relating to the freedom to learn, to dissent, and to speak freely and be heard; and
  2. Ensure that students who participate in the College's mass media programs are aware of their responsibility and accountability in regard to the definitions of decency, libel, and legality.

Classes Offered Out of District (policy 4.070)


Authority:F. S. 1001.64
Date Adopted:07/82 Revised 07/92; 08/2013
Date of Review:05/09; 08/11; 07/2013

The President or designee shall approve all requests for out-of-district courses.


Repair Work on Training Job Orders (Policy 4.080)


Authority:F.S. 1001.64; FAC 6A-14.0261
Date Adopted:07/82 Revised 07/92; 08/2013
Date of Review:05/09; 08/11; 07/2013

The President or designee shall establish procedures that provide for the acceptance by the College of repair work from the general public as a means of enhancing the training process.

Grades (Policy 4.090)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; FAC 6A-14.060
Date Adopted:7/82; Rev. 7/92, 12/04; 08/2013
Date of Review:05/09; 08/11; 07/2013


It is the policy of the Board that grading practices be consistently and fairly applied in the awarding of grades to students. The President or designee shall establish procedures to ensure that grades are related to the objectives and methods of each course while allowing sufficient flexibility to the faculty for differences in courses and instruction. Faculty members shall be responsible for explaining grading practices to students at the beginning of each course.

Field Trips (Policy 4.100)

Authority:Florida Statute 1001.64
Date Adopted:7/82; Rev. 7/92, 12/04


Field trips are valuable learning experience when an integral part of a course. The following shall apply to field trips:

  1. Possible interference with other courses should be considered when scheduling field trips. Field trips should not be scheduled during the last week of classes of any term.
  2. Students cannot be required to attend a field trip nor can the trip be included in computing grades if the trip is announced to the class after the add-drop period. Allowance should be given when trips are included in computing grades to those students who are unable to attend because of illness, work schedules, family responsibilities, or other obligations.
  3. Only those students enrolled in a class taking a field trip may use College-provided transportation.
  4. Transportation by college-provided vehicles may be paid by the individual department or cost center offering the course. Meal and motel expenses of students on field trips may not be paid by College funds. Other related expenses, such as convention registration fees, are paid by the individual students attending. Expenses incurred by a group performing an activity at the request of some other area of the College are paid by the requesting area.
  5. Students on approved field trips or other official school business or functions should not be marked absent from class. However, they are required to make up work missed while on the trip.
  6. Students must complete and sign the Agreement for off-Campus College Activity and Permission for Emergency Treatment forms.

Policy 4.100 Form

Agreement to Participate

I __________________________________________hereby state that I am physically and mentally capable of safe participation in Seminole State College's Off Campus Activity listed below. I have been advised that the activities in the program may include, but are not limited to: transportation to and from the off campus site, instruction in or out of the classroom, field trips or outdoor activities. While few injuries ever occur, I am aware that participation could lead to injuries that may require first aid or emergency medical treatment. I understand that I am responsible for the costs of any medical treatment arising from participation in the program.

Off Campus Activity: _____________________________________________________


I acknowledge that as a participant in these activities it is my responsibility to abide by the rules and regulations applicable to the activity, to follow the directions of the activity supervisor and to help ensure the safe conduct of the activity for all concerned.

Release of Liability

________ I assume all risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of this program and hereby release Seminole State College from any claims for personal injury or property damage resulting from the negligent acts or omissions of Seminole State College, its faculty, staff, agents or employees.

Permission for Emergency Treatment

________ I hereby authorize Seminole State College to obtain emergency medical treatment for me in the event that I am unable to give consent to such treatment and in the event that my parent(s), relative(s), next of kin or emergency contact person(s) cannot be reached, in order to protect and preserve my health and well being.

Signature Date

Clinical Affiliations (Policy 4.110)

 This Policy is Under Review

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; FAC 6A-14.0261
Date Adopted:7/82; Rev. 7/92, 12/04; 08/2013
Date of Review:05/09; 08/11; 07/2013


From time to time, the health professions programs require that clinical affiliations with various area health-related agencies be developed and maintained. Therefore, the President or designee shall recommend such affiliations appropriate to the needs of the College.

All clinical affiliation agreements and terms thereof shall be approved by the Board.

Definition of Credit Hour (Policy 4.120)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64, 1004.68, 1007.25
Date Adopted:10/2012
Date of Review:---


It is the policy of the Board of Trustees that a credit hour definition be established and consistently applied in compliance with applicable federal and state law, and policies of Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges.

The President shall establish procedures to implement this policy to ensure that the definition of credit hour is consistently applied and monitored. 
