Tobacco Free College (Policy 6.021)

Authority:F.S. 1001.64; 386.209
Date Adopted:04/2013
Date of Review:



  1. Seminole State College of Florida is committed to the promotion of a healthy and safe learning and working environment. The College recognizes the weight of scientific evidence that use of tobacco products presents a danger to both the user and those exposed to its use. The U.S. Surgeon General has determined that tobacco use in any form, active or passive, is a significant health hazard; there is no safe level of exposure.  Additionally, the College recognizes the known and unknown risks of both use of vapor-generating electronic devices and exposure to their products and byproducts. It is the policy of Seminole State College of Florida to achieve an environment that is free of tobacco, smoking, and vapor-generating electronic devices.
  2. The following definitions apply to this Policy:
    1. “Tobacco” means all tobacco-derived or containing products, including, but not limited to: cigarettes (clove, bidis, kreteks); cigars and cigarillos; hookah-smoked products; pipe tobacco, and oral tobacco (spit and spit less, smokeless, chew, snuff, snus, etc.).
    2. “Vapor-generating electronic device” means any product or device that employs an electronic, chemical, or mechanical means capable of producing vapor or aerosol from a nicotine product or any other substance, including, but not limited to: electronic cigarettes; electronic cigars; electronic cigarillos; electronic pipes; any cartridge for any such device or any similar product; and any other container of a solution or other substance intended to be used with any such device or any similar product.
    3. “Smoking” means inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any lighted or heated tobacco, plant product, or other natural or synthetic substance intended for ingestion by inhalation.
  3. The College prohibits all of the following on any College property at any time:
    1. Smoking;
    2. Using any tobacco or vapor-generating electronic device; and
    3. Buying, selling, gifting, exchanging, or transferring possession or ownership of any tobacco or vapor-generating electronic device.
  4. The President shall cause a procedure to be developed for the implementation of this policy
