District Board of Trustees (Policy 1.010)
Authority: | F.S. Chapter 120; 1001.64; 1004.65; F.A.C. 6A-14.024,.026; Chapter 28-109, Florida Administrative Code |
Date Adopted: | 07/82, revised 07/92, 08/93, 5/05, 05/09, 10/12, 11/2015, 2/21, 8/23 |
- Powers and Responsibilities
The District Board of Trustees of the College, after considering recommendations submitted by the President, is authorized to establish rules in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act, Chapter 120 F.S., that insure the proper operation, improvement, and management of the College according to rules adopted by the State Board of Education and the District Board of Trustees. The Board rules, hereinafter referred to as policies of the Board, may supplement the rules prescribed by the State Board of Education if they contribute to the more orderly and efficient operation of the College. - The Philosophy of the Board
In exercising its responsibility as the policy making body of the College, the Board shall seek to fulfill the following philosophical goals:- Foster a spirit of partnership and cooperation between the Board and officials and agencies of the State.
- Foster a spirit of partnership and cooperation between the Board and the Seminole County School Board, its superintendent and staff, and other county and local officials and agencies.
- Promote cooperation with individuals and organizations within the district.
- Establish effective and efficient plans for short and long-range development of the College in the areas of student needs, curriculum, faculty and staff, physical and fiscal consideration, and all supportive activities.
- Seek maximum use and efficiency of all resources of the College - physical, fiscal, and personnel.
- Provide equal opportunity for employment without regard to race, color, religion, pregnancy, national origin, ethnicity, age, sex, gender, veterans’ or military status, disability, sexual orientation, genetic information, or marital status.
- Provide equal opportunity for admissions to students without regard to race, color, religion, pregnancy, national origin, ethnicity, age, sex, gender, veterans’ or military status, disability, sexual orientation, genetic information, or marital status.
- Conform to all applicable laws and rules of the federal, state, and local governments and agencies.
- Code of Ethics of the Board
In carrying out their responsibilities, the members of the Board shall perform the following:- Acquaint themselves with laws, rules, and policies relating to public education and to observe and enforce them.
- Understand that the basic function of the members of the Board is to make policy - not to administer - and to discriminate between these two functions.
- Represent the entire College community.
- Transact College business in Board meetings only. Individual members have no legal status to bind the Board outside such meetings.
- Give the President full administrative authority for properly discharging professional duties and hold the President responsible for acceptable results.
- Accept all Board decisions once they are made and assist in carrying them out effectively.
- Attempt to provide the best program of education possible within the means available.
- Attempt to procure adequate financial support for the College.
- Bring any possible conflict of interest to the attention of the other members of the Board and the President.
- Membership, Practices, and Procedures of the Board
- Membership - The five members of the Board are appointed by the Governor, approved by four members of the State Board of Education, and confirmed by the Florida Senate. Regular terms are four years in length.
- Organizational Meeting - At the first regular meeting after July 1 of each year, the Board shall organize by electing a Chair whose duty is to preside at all meetings of the Board, and a Vice Chair whose duty is to act as Chair during the absence or disability of the Chair. The President shall act as the secretary to the Board.
- Meeting of the Board - Regular meetings, special meetings, and workshops of the Board shall be held at the administrative headquarters of the College unless the Board designates another location. If another location is designated, public notice shall be given at least ten days prior to the time of the meeting unless an emergency situation arises that requires immediate attention.
- Special meetings and workshops of the Board can also be called. The call of a special meeting shall also require that two days written notice of the time and purpose of the meeting be given to all Board members and to the President. Workshops may be held by the Board to study specific items related to the College and no actions shall be taken by the Board at a workshop.
- Meetings of the Board shall comply with the relevant provisions of Chapters 120 and 286 Florida Statutes.
- Quorum - A majority shall constitute a quorum for any meeting of the Board. No business may be transacted at any meeting unless a quorum is present. An individual Board member's appearance via communications technology at any publicly noticed meeting shall count for purposes of quorum.
- Agenda - The President shall prepare an agenda for all meetings of the Board at such time as to insure that a copy of the agenda may be received at least seven days before the event by any person in the state who requests a copy.
- Minutes - The President, as secretary, shall keep and disseminate official copies of the minutes from each meeting and workshop.
- Voting - Voting shall be by voice unless a written ballot is requested by the Chair of the Board. If the Chair wishes to make a motion or wishes to participate in the discussion on a question before the Board, the Chair may relinquish the gavel to the Vice Chair or, in the Vice Chair's absence, to any other Board member to act as a temporary presiding officer.
- Parliamentary Authority - Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall constitute the parliamentary authority of the Board except as it may be in conflict with College policies, Florida Statutes, or FAC rules.
- Attendance at Meetings - The Board encourages the attendance at Board meetings of employees, representatives of the press, and other interested citizens.
- Committees - At the request of the President or the majority of the Board, the Chair may appoint special committees to investigate specific College policies or procedures and to report their findings and recommendations to the Board. All committees shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Board. There shall be no standing committees of the Board.
- Hearings, Non-Rule Making - The following procedure shall apply to those organizations and individuals desiring a hearing before the Board.
- A request in writing must be submitted to the President at least seven days prior to the scheduled Board meeting and shall include the following:
- Name and address of individual or organization
- General nature of the subject to be presented
- Written data supporting or opposing the subject
- The President's, sole discretion, shall determine if the request is the proper subject matter for consideration by the Board.
- The President shall report all individuals and organizations whose requests were rejected.
- If determined to be appropriate for consideration, the matter will be placed on the agenda for the next Board meeting.
- The hearing shall follow immediately after the report of the President.
- If a committee or delegation is present, it shall be represented by one spokesman authorized to speak for five minutes for the group although other members of the delegation shall then be given an opportunity to amplify the spokesman's remarks up to two minutes each to a total of ten minutes. More time may be granted by unanimous consent of the Board.
- The Board shall defer action on petitions of individuals and delegations until the next regular meeting of the Board. Exceptions to this policy are made only when time is of the essence or when the issue is of small import and further consideration and deliberation is obviously unnecessary. Unanimous consent of the Board members present is required to effect the exceptions.
- The Board shall grant only those hearings that appear on the agenda.
- A Board member may present any matter to the Board without regard to the procedure to be followed by individuals and organizations.
- A request in writing must be submitted to the President at least seven days prior to the scheduled Board meeting and shall include the following:
- Hearings, Rule Making - Hearings held on the adoption, modification, or repeal of a rule and hearings held on an administrative determination relative to a rule shall follow procedures applicable to community colleges as set forth in the Administrative Procedures Act, Chapter 120, F.S. Materials presented at such a hearing shall be considered and shall be made a part of the record.
- Bonds - The Board shall provide at College expense for the bonding of its members.
- Reimbursement of Expenses - Board members may be reimbursed for expenses as provided in s. 112.061 F.S., including mileage to and from official Board meetings.
- Facsimile Signatures - The Board authorizes the Chair, the President and designees to file a notarized, manual signature with the Secretary of State, for the purpose of establishing a facsimile signature which may be used according to statute.
- Evaluation – On an annual basis the Board will conduct a self-evaluation and review the results in a public meeting. The Board shall take and implement such actions as it deems reasonable and necessary to improve its performance and the betterment of the College.
- Employment and Dismissal of the President
The following procedures apply to the employment and dismissal of the President:- In the event of a vacancy, or anticipated vacancy, in the office of the President, the Board shall appoint a search committee to seek qualified candidates for the office and to recommend to the Board those deemed most qualified. The qualifications for the President shall include an earned doctorate or training or experience which the Board considers to be equivalent. The Board shall notify the Commissioner of the specific training or experience which it considers to be equivalent to an earned doctorate in specific cases. Before making a selection, the Board shall interview those candidates having the highest qualifications.
- If a vacancy occurs in the Office of the President, an acting President may be appointed by the Board, following the same procedures as for the appointment of a President, except that a search committee need not be created or utilized. An acting President may be appointed for a term of six (6) months and may be reappointed for one (1) additional, but only one (1), term of six (6) months.
- The President may be suspended or dismissed by the Board for cause consisting of immorality, incompetence, misconduct in office, gross insubordination, willful neglect of duty, public drunkenness, or conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude. In such a case, a hearing pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 120 F.S. shall be provided if requested by the President, in writing, within fifteen (15) days of notice of the suspension or dismissal.
- The President shall be entitled to a written contract for a term not to exceed four (4) years.
- Delegation to the President
The Board delegates to an appointed President the responsibility and authority for the administration of the College in accordance with its established policies and the applicable rules and laws of the State of Florida. - College Catalog Approval
The Board shall approve the College Catalog and ratify changes in curriculum, courses, programs, services, fees, and other requirements not specifically found in the College policies. Annually, the courses will be reviewed to determine those which have not been taught for five years. In compliance with state rules, such courses will be deleted unless there is sufficient reason to expect that they will be offered in the next five years.
Per College Policy 1.020 Duties and Powers of the President, paragraph C, the Board authorizes the President “To make non-substantive changes to the text of Board policies, including but not limited to, the update of applicable legal authority, Board-approved personnel and organizational title changes, and the improvement of grammar and punctuation. All such changes shall be included in the consent agenda for ratification by the Board at its next regularly-scheduled meeting.”