Minute Minutes - December 7, 2005

Call to order by President Rogers at 3:30 p.m. Quorum declared.
Minutes of the Nov. 13 meeting were approved.

Correction to the minutes of the October 12 meeting: The second paragraph under item #5 should state: "A guest observed that there are not many 'local' players on the teams." Minutes of the October meeting were approved as corrected.

Minutes of the November meeting were approved.

Faculty In-service Day.

Senators questioned why a faculty in-service day appeared in October on the calendar for the next two years. This year the in-service day caused problems because it disrupted Monday-Wednesday classes, it fell too near the withdrawal date for the term, and because it was close to the day missed due to Hurricane Wilma.

Recommendation: In order to minimize any disservice to our students and to allow faculty to utilize new information for the entire semester, we recommend that any Faculty In-Service be held during the faculty duty days before classes begin in terms where there are more than two such days. If this cannot be accomplished, we recommend Faculty In-Service take place on a Friday. Motion passed unanimously.

Faculty Compensation Group.

It is difficult to compare our salaries to those of faculty at other community colleges because of differences in the number of hours worked per week, number of holidays, number of vacation days, date upon which raises are given, etc. The committee has settled on comparing a daily rate of pay for a 196-day contract. Executive Staff is working on a 10-year budget plan using estimates of state allotments. The stated goal is to have Seminole State Faculty salaries at the mid-point of Faculty salaries of all Florida Community Colleges in three years. The Board of Trustees is making this a priority. We are in 13th place using the current Funding Formula. Low salaries equal low morale. It is difficult to hire and retain quality faculty members if salaries are higher at other institutions. A spreadsheet displaying benchmark data for Masters Level Faculty was distributed.

Diversity Training.

A document from Diversity and Inclusion was distributed.

Library Hours.

The Seminole State library will be closed on Saturday beginning January 14 and open on Sunday from noon-8 p.m. beginning January 15. However, certain campus computer labs will continue to be open on Saturday.

Service Learning.

Attempts are being made to acquire grant money to finance Service Learning.

Benefits Subcommittee.

This subgroup of the Faculty Compensation Group is in the process of comparing our faculty benefits package with those of the other Florida community colleges. A report will be forthcoming.

Meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.

Member in attendance: Angela Aiken-McDonald, Kay Delk, Susan Dooley, Lucia Dzikowski, Barbara Entwistle, Mayra Eschbach, Greg Garrison, Dan Gilmartin, Jonathan Green, Barbara Hunnicutt, Sue Kellicut, Alan Kraft, Barbara Lott, Jenny Middleton, Jeri Rogers, Karen Schwitters, Jay Spalding, Laurel Stevenson, Pat Tanzi, Ben Taylor, Richard Young.

There were five guests in attendance.


E. Julie Edstrom
President, Faculty Senate
