Career Center

The Career Center is an essential component of Seminole State's Student Affairs Division and seeks to help students explore majors, and careers, and successfully locate jobs and internship opportunities. The Career Center offers student assistance and resources in the following areas:

Major/Career Exploration

The supportive Career Center staff provides students and alumni with individual career coaching at all campus locations. Students have access to career assessments and information about degree programs and career fields. The Career Center provides resources to help students research majors and careers. Many resources are available on the Career Center website.

Gaining Experience

Handshake - Job Listings

Through Handshake, the Career Center also provides job, internship, and mentoring opportunities. Job listings come from private employers, non-profits, and local, state, and federal government agencies.

Internship Program

Seminole State partners with the business community to offer opportunities that are designed to integrate formal academic study with practical work experience. Through these experiences, students can earn college credit toward their degrees or certificates while working full- or part-time in positions related to their academic and career goals. Interns earning a letter grade/college credit are assigned to a Seminole State faculty member who helps define goals, develop learning contracts, and evaluate outcomes.

Employability Skills and Networking Activities

Professional Development

Additionally, the Career Center staff provides training on employability skills, such as networking, resumé writing, cover letters, and interviewing. These skill sessions are scheduled during the fall, spring, and summer academic semesters and are available to all students, student organizations, and through classroom presentations.

Job Search & Employer Networking Events

 To further aid in the transition of Seminole State students into the workforce, the Career Center sponsors career fairs and networking events that attract businesses, public agencies, and community organizations.