STEM Certificate/Advanced STEM Certificate

Students who desire a STEM Certificate or Advanced STEM Certificate should meet with the STEM Certificate Coordinator. Completion of this program requires students to take at least eight science/math courses (seven required courses and one elective course) that follow one of three tracks:

  • Track A: Biology, Health or Pharmacy/Preprofessional
  • Track B: Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Chemistry or Physics
  • Track C: Engineering

In addition to the traditional coursework, students must also complete at least two seminar courses specifically designed to enhance their science education experience. The seminar courses accepted by this program are Science Seminar -Research (Fall) and Science Seminar -Careers (Spring). Students may replace one of these seminar courses with either Engineering Concepts and Methods, or Intro to STEM Research

These courses provide a diverse and strong educational foundation in lower-division coursework for students who plan to major in the hard sciences or the health, mathematics, or engineering fields. Successful completion of the required courses will result in less time spent at the university and a higher probability of admission to limited-access programs.

  • A STEM Certificate is awarded to those students who complete the eight science and math courses and the two science seminars with a GPA of 2.0-3.19 in those courses.
  • An Advanced STEM Certificate is awarded to those students who complete the eight science and math courses and the two science seminars with a GPA of 3.2 or higher in those courses.

Track A: Biology, Health or Pharmacy/Preprofessional

Required courses:

  • General Biology I (BSC 2010C)
  • General Biology II (BSC 2011C) OR Organic Chemistry (CHM 2210C)
  • General Chemistry I (CHM 2045C)
  • General Chemistry II with Qualitative Analysis (CHM 2046C)
  • General Physics I (PHY 1053C)
  • General Physics II (PHY 1054C)
  • Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (MAC 2311)
  • One elective course chosen from the list below
  • Science Seminar (two semesters) or Science Seminar (one semester) and Intro to STEM Research or Engineering Concepts and Methods

Track B: Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Chemistry or Physics

Required courses:

  • Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (MAC 2311)
  • Analytic Geometry and Calculus II (MAC 2312)
  • Analytic Geometry and Calculus III (MAC 2313)
  • General Chemistry I (CHM 2045C)
  • General Chemistry II with Qualitative Analysis (CHM 2046C)
  • Physics with Calculus I (PHY 2048C)
  • Physics with Calculus II (PHY 2049C)
  • One elective course chosen from the list below
  • Science Seminar (two semesters) or Science Seminar (one semester) and either Intro to STEM Research or Engineering Concepts and Methods

Track C:  Engineering

Required courses:

  • Analytic Geometry and Calculus I (MAC 2311)
  • Analytic Geometry and Calculus II (MAC 2312)
  • Analytic Geometry and Calculus III (MAC 2313)
  • General Chemistry I (CHM 2045C)
  • Engineering Analysis - Statics (EGN 2312) OR Probability Statistics for Engineers (EGN 2440)
  • Physics with Calculus I (PHY 2048C)
  • Physics with Calculus II (PHY 2049C)
  • One elective course chosen from the list below
  • Science Seminar (two semesters) or Science Seminar (one semester) and Engineering Concepts and Methods EGN 1007 (one semester)

Elective Courses (Specific electives recommended based on major)

  • Analytic Geometry and Calculus II (MAC 2312)
  • Analytic Geometry and Calculus III (MAC 2313)
  • Anatomy and Physiology I (BSC 2093C)
  • Anatomy and Physiology II (BSC 2094C)
  • Elementary Differential Equations (MAP 2302)
  • Engineering Analysis - Dynamics (EGN 2322)
  • Engineering Analysis - Statics (EGN 2312)
  • Microbiology (MCB 2010C)
  • Organic Chemistry I (CHM 2210C)
  • Organic Chemistry II (CHM 2211C)
  • Physical Geology with Lab (GLY 2010C)
  • Probability Statistics for Engineers (EGN 2440)
  • Statistical Methods I (STA 2023)
  • Surveying (SUR 2101C)

For more information, call the Honors Institute at 407.708.2335 or the STEM Certificate coordinator at 407.708.2208.