General Education Core Digital Badges

Effective Fall 2022, Seminole State College of Florida and other public postsecondary institutions are required to award students a nationally recognized digital badge upon completion of general education core courses that demonstrate career readiness pursuant to Florida Statute 1007.25.  

This is inclusive of dual enrollment students who complete core courses while in high school in the 2022-23 academic year and thereafter.

Florida public postsecondary institutions must award credit earned through acceleration mechanisms, including credit by examination (e.g., AP, IB, AICE, and CLEP). Therefore, institutions may award digital badges to students who receive credit for the general education core course(s) required to complete the digital badge.

Students will receive their digital badge 14 business days after the completion of the semester in which the digital badge course is earned with a grade of "C" or higher.

The first digital badge in effect for Fall 2022 is Fundamentals of Written Communication.

Badge #1 – Fundamentals of Written CommunicationFundamentals of Written Communication Badge

Minimum Requirements

The Fundamentals of Written Communication digital badge will be awarded automatically upon completion of ENC 1101 or a course in which ENC 1101 is a prerequisite with a grade of "C" or better. 

Defining “Fundamentals of Written Communication” 

Effective written communication is the ability to communicate ideas, information, and perspectives clearly, adapting a message to different audiences and situations, and using the appropriate style to convey meaning in various written contexts.

Learning Outcomes

By completing the college course associated with this badge, you will demonstrate information literacy, comprehension of written material, and conveying information in writing for a variety of rhetorical purposes and audiences. Some of the learning outcomes associated with the college course that results in this badge include:

  • Examining and analyzing written material.
  • Synthesizing information and ideas.
  • Developing content relevant to the purpose.
  • Demonstrating the ability to write to a specific audience.
  • Presenting a perspective informed by research and critical thinking.
  • Revising written communication based on feedback.

Importance in Workplace

  • Enhances an employee's ability to interpret and evaluate a wide variety of written material.
  • Promotes research, critical thinking, and problem solving.
  • Advances the development of clearly written material relevant to the intent.
  • Enhances the use of appropriate language for the intended audience.
  • Increases the competent, effective, and responsible use of information.