Articulation Agreements

State of Florida Articulation Agreement

Seminole State College Associate in Arts degree graduates are guaranteed the following rights under the Statewide Articulation Agreement (State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.024):

  1. Admission to one of the state universities, except to limited-access programs that have additional admission requirements.
  2. Acceptance of at least 60 credit hours by the state universities.
  3. Adherence to university requirements and policies based on the catalog in effect at the time the student first entered a state or community college, provided the student maintains continuous enrollment.
  4. Transfer of equivalent courses under the Statewide Course Numbering system.
  5. Acceptance by the state universities of credit earned in accelerated programs (e.g., CLEP, AP, Dual Enrollment, Early Admission and International Baccalaureate).
  6. No additional general education core requirements.
  7. Advanced knowledge of selection criteria for limited-access programs.
  8. Equal opportunity with native university students to enter limited-access programs.

Should any of the above guaranteed rights be denied, students should contact Pam Ocasek, Articulation Officer at 407.708.2189 or by email at .

Several types of articulation agreements between local school districts and the College, as well as between the College and bachelor degree-granting institutions, benefit Seminole State students.

Section 1007.23, Florida Statutes, establishes statewide articulation agreements and helps to facilitate the seamless transition of students across and among Florida’s educational entities. This supports the Department’s Next Generation Areas of Focus effort Number 4 —“to expand opportunities for postsecondary degrees and certificates.” These agreements are intended to be a minimum guarantee of articulated credit and do not preclude institutions from granting additional credit based on local agreements.

Seminole State also articulates college credit for:

Florida's State University System (SUS)

Associate in Arts (A.A.):Florida Statute 1007.23 and State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.024 assure certain rights to A.A. graduates. Every associate in arts graduate of a Florida College System institution shall be granted admission to the upper division of a public postsecondary institution consistent with Section 1007.23, F.S. Admission to the student’s preferred public postsecondary institution or program is not guaranteed. Admission to the student’s preferred public postsecondary institution or program is not guaranteed.

Completion of sixty (60) semester hours of college credit courses in an established program of study that includes a general education curriculum of thirty-six (36) semester hours of college credit in communication, mathematics, social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences and foreign language competence as described in Rule 6A-10.02412, F.A.C., the sixty (60) semester hours that comprise a completed associate in arts degree shall be accepted in total upon transfer to an upper division program at another public postsecondary institution.

Each student in an associate in arts program at a Florida College System institution must indicate a baccalaureate degree program at an institution of interest by the time the student earns thirty (30) semester hours. If the student indicates a program at a public postsecondary institution, the Florida College System institution in which the student is enrolled must inform the student of the common program prerequisites, pursuant to Section 1007.23(3), F.S.

Associate in Science (A.S.):Florida Statute 1007.23 and State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.024 assure the statewide associate in science to baccalaureate degree program articulation agreements between public postsecondary institutions shall be documented and maintained by the Articulation Coordinating Committee. The Department of Education, in consultation with institutions, shall review periodically, as necessary, but no more than once a year, the provisions of the state articulation agreements and the prescribed curricula to ensure the continued effectiveness of the articulation between the A.S. and B.A./B.S. programs. Any recommendations for revisions to the state articulation agreements will be forwarded to the Articulation Coordinating Committee for review. 

Completion of a minimum of fifteen (15) semester hours in the general education subject areas of communication, mathematics, social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences. English and mathematics courses must meet the requirements adopted by the State Board of Education in Rule 6A-10.030, F.A.C., and the Board of Governors Regulation 6.017.

Courses taken as part of the associate in science degree to meet the general education requirements will transfer and apply toward the thirty-six (36) general education credit hours required for the baccalaureate degree. No additional general education credit hours can be required except to complete the total thirty-six (36) general education hours.

DirectConnect to UCF

DirectConnect to UCF, which was introduced in 2006, is a guaranteed way to gain admission to the University of Central Florida for students who complete an A.A. or A.S. degree at Seminole State. This is consistent with Seminole State and UCF policy. Limited- and restricted-access programs may require an additional admission process. Contact UCF for additional information on DirectConnect.

Independent Colleges and Universities

Articulation agreements between the Florida Board of Education and the Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida (ICUF) also benefit A.A. graduates. For more information on ICUF schools visit the ICUF website. Seminole State also has articulation agreements with private institutions that are not members of ICUF.

Other Agreements

Seminole State has articulation agreements with individual institutions located in Florida and other states. Agreements are also in place with technical centers in the Central Florida region. For more information, visit the Seminole State College articulation website.