Attendance Policy

Per Seminole State College Policy 3.060, the College recognizes the correlation between attendance and both student retention and achievement. A successful college experience requires a student’s regular class attendance and active engagement.  Any class session or activity missed, regardless of cause, reduces the opportunity for learning and may adversely affect a student’s achievement in the course.

Students are expected to attend all classes, actively participate and complete all assigned course work for all courses for which they are registered. For online courses, attendance is determined by consistently logging in and accessing the course content and completing courses in accordance with the syllabus.

Faculty will establish and describe in the course syllabus specific policies on class attendance at the start of the term.

The President shall establish procedures to implement this Policy.

International Students' Attendance

International students are expected to abide by the College attendance policy and meet the Standards of Academic Progress. Students who do not maintain appropriate status will be reported to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).