Student Academic Concerns and Grade Appeals


College Procedure 4.0300 assists students and faculty in resolving student academic concerns including, but not limited to, grade appeals. The purpose of this procedure is to outline the steps to be followed to address student academic, instructional, and faculty concerns and grade appeals.

A professor's grades are permanent once they have been submitted and approved by the Records Office. A student who asserts that there are grounds upon which to request a change in grade may file a grade appeal according to the procedure specified herein.

Grade appeals must be initiated by the student within 30 days of the start of the next term after which the grade was received.


  1. Informal Conference: The student shall request a conference with the professor involved. This initial conference is an informal meeting at which the student may present information regarding his/her academic concern/grade change request. Every effort should be made by the student and the professor to resolve the issue at this level.
  2. Informal Discussion with Dean/Supervisor - If the problem is not resolved during the informal discussion with the faculty member, the student shall request to discuss the issue with the faculty member’s Dean/supervisor. This initial discussion with the Dean is an informal conversation during which the student may present information regarding his/her academic concern/grade change request. Every effort should be made by the student and the Dean to resolve the issue at this level. The Dean will also advise the student that all claims must be substantiated by evidence if they are to be considered by the Dean. Further, the Dean shall remind the student that knowingly furnishing false information is prohibited and is subject to sanction per the Student Code of Conduct (Policy 3.090).
  3. Written Appeal: If the problem has not been resolved within 10 College working days of the request for the initial conference, either because the student and professor have been unable to resolve the issue informally, or because the professor or dean is unavailable, the student may file a Written Statement of Student Academic Concern/Grade Appeal form with the appropriate immediate supervisor(s) of the professor (Dean). The Written Statement of Student Concern or Complaint form can be found here.  

    The Written Statement of Student Academic Concern/Grade Appeal must describe the situation in specific detail and provide documentation of dates and participants of any informal discussions(s) or the attempts to schedule those informal discussion(s). 

    All Written Statements of Student Academic Concern/Grade Appeals will be entered by the Dean/immediate supervisor into the electronic Written Student Complaints online system. 

    The Dean/ immediate supervisor(s) shall review the Written Statement of Student Academic Concern/Grade Appeal and may meet with the student or professor individually or together to try to resolve the issue(s) raised in the appeal. (A meeting can be scheduled earlier than the required 10 days with the mutual consent of all parties involved.) A faculty member will not be required to respond to a written Statement of Student Academic Concern/Grade Appeal which does not have specific information regarding dates, times, materials involved, or any other pertinent information necessary to clearly identify the basis for the academic concern or requested grade change.  

    The Dean/immediate supervisor will issue a written decision about the situation within 5 college working days and at least 10 working days before any further meetings are convened. If either party in the dispute wishes further hearing beyond the immediate supervisor(s) of the professor, the grade appeal may be brought to the appropriate Associate Vice President (AVP) by that party.

  4. Review by Associate Vice President: If either party in the dispute wishes further appeal beyond the professor's immediate supervisor(s), the disputing party may request a hearing with the appropriate Associate Vice President (AVP) within 10 college working days of the decision of the Dean/immediate supervisor(s). At such time, the Written Statement of Student Academic Concern/Grade Appeal shall be updated with an account of previous actions taken and sent to the appropriate Associate Vice President (AVP). Upon receipt of the Written Statement of Student Academic Concern/Grade Appeal, the AVP will work with the involved parties in an attempt to resolve the conflict within 10 College working days of receipt of the written Appeal.
  5. Review by Vice President for Academic Affairs : If either party in the dispute wishes further appeal beyond the dean/associate vice president, that party may request a hearing with the Vice President for Academic Affairs within 10 college working days of the dean/associate vice president's decision. Documentation of actions taken at each prior level will be provided to the Vice President by the aggrieved party requesting the appeal. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will review the previous actions, confer with the dean/associate vice president and meet, as appropriate, with the student, professor, dean/immediate supervisor and associate vice president in an attempt to resolve the issue presented.
  6. Final Disposition: The determination of the Vice President for Academic Affairs shall constitute the final disposition of the student's academic concern/grade appeal.