
CTS2358C Identity with Windows Server 2016 (Exam 70-742)

This course addresses all of the concepts, terminology and technology covered through a deep investigation into the world of Active Directory and its associated technologies. Students will also learn a lot of PowerShell along the way, and it provides students with the opportunity to get hands-on practice with virtual labs for a complete learning experience. Through this course students can prepare for the 70-742: Identity with Windows Server 2016 exam.

Prerequisite or corequisite: CTS 2353C.

Terms Typically Offered:Fall, Spring, Summer

Classes not offered for selected criteria.

Textbook information will be available online for each term's courses 45 days prior to the first day of classes for the term.

The courses in this catalog are identified by prefixes and numbers that were assigned by Florida's Statewide Course Numbering System, a system used by all public postsecondary institutions in Florida and 32 non-public institutions. Seminole State controls the description, credit and content of its own courses.