SSC Atomic Classes and General Style Guide

Background Colors!

Accent 1
Accent 2
Primary Light
Secondary Light
Tertiary Light
Accent 1 Light
Accent 2 Light


.btn .btn-primary
.btn .btn-secondary
.btn .btn-tertiary
.btn .btn-accent1
.btn .btn-accent2
.btn .btn-default
.btn .btn-success
.btn .btn-info
.btn .btn-warning
.btn .btn-light
.btn .btn-dark
.btn .btn-outline-primary
.btn .btn-outline-secondary
.btn .btn-tertiary
.btn .btn-outline-accent1
.btn .btn-outline-accent2
.btn .btn-outline-success
.btn .btn-outline-info
.btn .btn-outline-warning
.btn .btn-outline-light
.btn .btn-dark
.btn .btn-primary .btn-lg
.btn .btn-primary .btn-sm
.btn .btn-primary .btn-block

Font Styling and Overrides


Primary Text


Secondary Text


Tertiary Text


Accent 1 Text


Accent 2 Text


Success Text


Warning Text


Danger Text


Dark Text


Dark Text

White Text
NOTE: You will want to default to markup to assist screen readers. 
.mark or <mark>...</mark>
Highlighted Text
<del>...</del> or <s>...</s>
Strikethrough or Deleted Text
Underlined Text
Emphasised Text

Primary Font - Merriweather


Secondary Font - Fira Sans Extra Condensed


Tertiary Font - Open Sans


.ff-primary .fw-light

Primary Font - Merriweather

.ff-tertiary .fw-light

Secondary Font - Open Sans


.ff-primary .fw-regular

Primary Font - Merriweather

.ff-secondary .fw-regular

Secondary Font -Fira Sans Extra Condensed

.ff-tertiary .fw-regular

Secondary Font - Open Sans


.ff-primary .fw-bold

Primary Font - Merriweather

.ff-secondary .fw-bold

Secondary Font - Fira Sans Extra Condensed

.ff-tertiary .fw-bold

Secondary Font - Open Sans


Extra Small Font Size (.75rem)


Small Font Size (.875rem)


Medium/Regular Font Size (1rem)


Large Font Size (1.125rem)


Extra Large Font Size (1.25rem)


Extra Extra Large Font Size (1.5rem)


Extra Extra Extra Large Font Size (2rem)

Atomic Common Recipes

Float Right Example

Float Right

Our styling lets this div become a maximum of 50% width. When the screen is below 768px, this the float-right goes full width. 

NOTE: The float should always be above the div it is floating next to. For easier editing, avoid adding styling classes to the float-right div and instead add children, like this example.

The classes

float-md-right ml-md-3 mb-3
Copy Float Right Classes Copy Float Right Div

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam posuere finibus luctus. Maecenas mollis ac dolor non ullamcorper. Cras consectetur sem diam. Phasellus id tellus imperdiet, sollicitudin ligula eu, sagittis ante. Etiam placerat nulla eget elit suscipit, a molestie nulla imperdiet. Nunc quis congue nunc, a eleifend nisl. Nulla placerat aliquet imperdiet. Donec id sapien euismod magna mattis sodales eget et erat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam posuere finibus luctus. Maecenas mollis ac dolor non ullamcorper. Cras consectetur sem diam. Phasellus id tellus imperdiet, sollicitudin ligula eu, sagittis ante. Etiam placerat nulla eget elit suscipit, a molestie nulla imperdiet. Nunc quis congue nunc, a eleifend nisl. Nulla placerat aliquet imperdiet. Donec id sapien euismod magna mattis sodales eget et erat.

When headings are in a module by themselves, the bottom margins are doubled down. These headings have a negative margin class to fix the issue. Be sure to remove the classes content is added to the module at a later date. 

Example of Faux Table

This Faux table is for when you have half columns that should look like a table.

Example Heading
  • Item 1: Item Info
  • Item 2: Item Info
  • Item 3: Item Info
Example Heading
  • Item 1: Item Info
  • Item 2: Item Info
  • Item 3: Item Info
  • Item 4: Item Info

Make a new HTML document, set the size the columns and paste the markup below.

Copy Faux Table Markup

Form Examples

General Form Example

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Fall 2019

Term Calendar: Fall 2019
  • Full Session: Aug. 20-Dec. 9
  • A Session: Aug. 20-Oct. 14
  • 12W Session: Sept. 10-Dec. 9
  • B Session: Oct. 15-Dec. 9
College and Offices Closed
  • Labor Day: Sept. 2
  • Thanksgiving Break: Nov. 27-Dec. 1
  • Winter Break: Dec. 21-31
