Messiah Sing-Along Program Playbill

Messiah Sing-Along
Presented by the Center for Fine & Performing Arts at Seminole State College in partnership with Holy Cross Lake Mary.
Hosted by -
Seminole State Choir
Distinguished Professor Dianna Campbell, Director of Choral Activities
Harrison Light, Rehearsal Accompanist
- November 19, 2024
- 7:30 p.m.
Doors open at 7 p.m. - Holy Cross Lake Mary
780 N. Sun Drive
Lake Mary, Florida
The Center for the Fine and Performing Arts, as an entity within Seminole State College of Florida, a Hispanic and Minority Serving Institution, is committed to provide programming which amplifies diverse and underrespresented voices in the interest of cultural equity and inclusion. A Diverse Learning Community, An Equal Access/Equal Opportunity College.

Welcome Letter from Founding Director of Choral Activities Dr. Burt Perinchief
Greetings, friends, and fellow music lovers! Welcome to this annual performance of George Frederick Handel's most beloved choral masterpiece, "Messiah." This includes solos and choruses from Part One and ending with the famous "Hallelujah" from Part Two.
"Messiah" uses texts from the Scripture, a series of contemplations of the Christian idea of redemption, starting with the Old Testament prophecies and going through the life of Christ and His final triumph. The music was composed in twenty-four days, Handel working as one possessed, a remarkable feat.
Thanks to the leadership of Distinguished Professor Dianna Campbell, we are pleased to continue to offer this Sing-Along format performance. For 24 years now, Seminole State College and the Community Choir have followed the traditions of England and throughout the world. We are happy to share it with you all tonight.
~ Dr. Burt H. Perinchief,
Founding Director
Messiah Sing-Along Concert Program
Messiah: An Oratorio
George Frideric Handel (1685 - 1759)
- Orchestral Sinfonia
- Arioso: Comfort Ye
Laurin Dunn, Tenor - Air: Every Valley
Christopher Hickey, Tenor - Chorus: And The Glory Of The Lord
Jamie Poss, Conductor - Chorus: And He Shall Purify
- Recitative: Behold A Virgin Shall Conceive
Sarah Tellado, Mezzo Soprano - Air: O Thou That Tellest
Sarah Tellado, Mezzo Soprano - Chorus: O Thou That Tellest
- Chorus: For Unto Us a Child is Born
Omaris Torres-Frey, Conductor - Orchestra Pifa
- Recitative: There were shepherds abiding in the field
Gabrielle Smith, Soprano - Recitative: And lo, the angel of the Lord
Gabrielle Smith, Soprano - Recitative: And The Angel Said Unto Them
Ethan Hubbard, Soprano - Recitative: And suddenly there was an angel
Ethan Hubbard, Soprano - Chorus: Glory To God
Christopher Hickey, Conductor - Air: Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion
Emma Van Alstine, Soprano - Recitative: Then Shall The Eyes Of The Blind
Dianna Campbell, Mezzo Soprano - Air: He Shall Feed His Flock
Dianna Campbell, Mezzo Soprano - Air: Come Unto Him
Mia Sanchez, Soprano - Chorus: Surely He Hath Borne
- Chorus: Hallelujah Chorus!
Special Guest Soloists & Conductors
Jamie Poss
Seminole High School, Director of Choral Activities
Christopher Hickey
Hagerty High School, Director of Choral Activities
Omaris Torres-Frey
Olympia High School, Director of Choirs
Seminole State College Alumni
Sarah Tellado
Seminole State College Alumni
Laurin Dunn, Ethan Hubbard, Mia Sanchez, Gabrielle Smith, and Emma Van Alstine
Seminole State College Students
Seminole State Community Choir
Dianna Campbell, Director of Choral Activities
Harrison Light, Rehearsal Accompanist
- Caroline Anderson
- Dorothy Branson
- Roger Branson
- Yoit Callaghan
- James Cavanaugh
- Virginia Cummins
- Laurin Dunn, Jr.
- Valerie Fisher
- Virginia Fisher
- Angela French
- Alison Geisler
- Gail Guillemette
- Martha Halladay
- Kaylee Harrypersad
- Janice Holloway
- Diane Jackson
- Maranda Jackson
- Anaely Jimenez
- Linda Kassof
- Patsy Lovlier
- Teresa Markle
- Naomi Mathias
- Kathleen Matty
- Jim McDonald
- Elaine Meagher
- Linda Merriman
- Chelsea Niemi
- Marjorie Oftedahl
- Janette Pierce
- John Reilly
- Ruth Sandweiss
- Carolynn Scott
- Russell Scott
- Chris Waguespack
- Kathy Waguespack
- Kristine Webb
- Mary Ellen Eyler
- Guerline Sanjuste
- Patricia Tykowski
Chamber Orchestra
- Joni Hannze
Violin I - Lisa Ferrigno
Violin II - Shelley Bareham Matthews
Viola - Maureen May
Cello - Barbara Larson
A Very Special Thanks To
- Dennis McGavock
Holy Cross Lake Mary - Dr. Michele Cuomo
Dean of Arts & Communication - Christine Kindell
Program Publication & Social Media - Seminole State College
Community Choir Members - Kevin Brewer
Seminole State College
Print Shop Manager - Seminole State Music Student Workers

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