Distinguished Professor Rank Guidelines

The Optional rank in a promotion called “The Distinguished Professor” recommendation and subsequent promotion process is carried out by the labor-management team committee, Distinguished Professor Committee, and Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA). The purpose of the Distinguished Professor Committee is to serve in an advisory capacity in considering individuals to be recommended to the college for the rank in promotion of Distinguished Professor. Applicants will be reviewed by the College-wide Committee. A faculty member may continue as Professor without seeking or earning this rank promotion. There is no penalty for applying for, but not earning, this rank promotion. The most significant area of consideration in determining promotion to Distinguished Professor for the performance of primary duties and responsibilities college service, and scholarship - contributions to the profession and discipline. Only those faculty who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in these areas are eligible for promotion to Distinguished Professor.. 

A maximum of 10 eligible faculty may be promoted to Distinguished Professor will be granted each academic year. Priority for application in a given year will be determined in the following order:

  • Date Continuing Contract was awarded.
  • Hire date in any faculty position at Seminole State College.

Note:  A faculty member may continue as a Professor without seeking or earning this rank in promotion. There is no penalty for applying for, but not earning, this rank promotion. If an applicant is withdrawn or an application is not submitted after notice of intent to apply, the faculty member will not be eligible to apply in the following year.

Promotion Process

DateActivity/TaskResponsible party

Sept 1

HR is contacted to identify Eligible faculty (Faculty members may apply during or after the 15th year following the award of Continuing Contract)


Sept 15

VPAA solicits interest in applying from eligible faculty


Sept 29

Deadline to submit a notice of intent to apply to VPAA


Oct 1

Faculty intending to apply are advised of the website and committee chair info


Oct 2

Chair Distinguished professor committee is sent the list of interested applicants


Nov 30

Deadline for DP committee to hold the first meeting and alert applicants of portfolio requirements, plus update names on the webpage spring tentative presentation dates in the first 2 weeks of March

DP committee

Third Friday in January

Applicant shall submit a Portfolio* to the Committee Chair no later than the third Friday in January of the year the faculty member wishes to apply for Distinguished Professor


2nd Friday of March

Distinguished Professor applicants’ presentations are concluded 

DP committee

Last Friday of March

The committee will make a determination by majority vote and forward recommendations to the appropriate Vice President (committee votes may take place in person or via conference call). Discussions of the committee are confidential. The appropriate Vice President will notify applicants not recommended for promotion.

DP committee

1st week of April

The Vice President will forward rank promotion recommendations to the President.


2nd week of April

Applicant (s) being recommended for rank promotion will be notified of the President’s recommendation before the Board meeting 


April board deadline 

The President’s recommendation is forwarded to the Board of Trustees.

President’s office

May board meeting

Final decision by the Board of Trustees should occur no later than the May Board meeting.

President’s office

  • If a date falls on a weekend the next Monday is the deadline

CBA Details

  1. The committee 
    1. shall be made up of seven (7) faculty members (former Endowed Teaching Chairs and/or current Distinguished Professors representing each School/Area/Campus if possible). 
    2. members will serve staggered two (2) year terms. 
    3. will be formed by the Labor Management Team. (VPAA sends the list of recommended committee candidates to the LM team) 
      1. Committee appointments will occur as follows:
      2. Application eligibility
    1. In the Fall term the Vice President of Academic Affairs will solicit interest in applying from among eligible faculty.
    2. Faculty who are eligible to apply will be contacted
  1. Chair and Vice Chair will be elected by the committee members and will have voting privileges. The Vice-Chair will become chair in the subsequent year.
  2.  The chair of the committee shall be selected from the membership.
  3. The *portfolio:
  1. Narrative describing contributions to teaching, counseling and/or librarianship
  2. description of service to Academic/Professional Discipline, College, Community 
  3. A description of applicant’s educational philosophy and how it has evolved. 
  4. the previous five (5) years of faculty evaluations. Three (3) of the last five (5) must be overall “excellent” with no “needs improvement” or “unsatisfactory”.
  1. Presentation. Each applicant shall make a presentation to the Committee showcasing:
    1. Teaching excellence, 
    2. Best practices, 
    3. Accomplishments and or contributions to the College and Community. 

The presentation will be open to observers.

  1. Recommendation process.
    1. The committee will make a determination by majority vote and forward recommendations to the appropriate Vice President (committee votes may take place in person or via conference call). Discussions of the committee are confidential. The appropriate Vice President will notify applicants not recommended for promotion.
    2. The Vice President will forward rank promotion recommendations to the President.
    3. Applicant being recommended for rank promotion will be notified of the President’s recommendation prior to the Board meeting 
    4. The President’s recommendation is forwarded to the Board of Trustees.
    5. Final decision by the Board of Trustees should occur no later than the May Board meeting. 
    6. If rank advancement is not awarded, the faculty member will not be eligible to apply in the following year.
