Admissions Requirements for Non-Degree Seeking Students

Dual Enrollment

Students who reside in Seminole County or who are enrolled in a Seminole County Public School or in a non-public school, or home-schooled students from any Florida county that is in compliance with Florida Statute 1002.42(2) and conducts a secondary curriculum pursuant to Florida Statute 1003.43 are eligible for dual enrollment. Students may not withdraw without high school approval. (For more information, please see the Alternative Ways to Earn Credit section).


Students in good standing at other colleges may be admitted as transient students to take courses for transfer back to their home institutions.

Students must produce a transient form or letter indicating their good standing, specific courses to be taken and the parent institution's willingness to accept the credit earned prior to registration for classes. The form can be completed on the FloridaShines Website and will serve as the application for admission as well as the residency and transient form. If the home institution is not listed on the FloridaShines Website, the student must apply to the College, complete a residency affidavit and obtain a transient form from the home institution.

Post-Baccalaureate Non-Degree Seeking

Students who have earned a bachelor's degree or higher may enroll in lower and upper division college courses. Students admitted in this category must:

  • Complete the application process for admission;
  • Indicate that a Seminole State degree or certificate is not sought;
  • Provide an official transcript from the degree-granting institution prior to enrolling in classes.

Students are responsible for their own advising and determining the transferability of credits earned at Seminole State as a non-degree student toward a degree program at another institution.

Post-Associate Non-Degree Seeking

Students who have earned an associate degree but not a higher-level degree may enroll in lower division college courses. Students who are admitted in this category must:

  • Complete the application process for admission;
  • Indicate that a Seminole State degree or certificate is not sought;
  • Provide an official transcript from the degree-granting institution prior to enrolling in classes.

Students are responsible for their own advising and are required to meet all prerequisites and corequisites for courses they intend to enroll in, including appropriate placement scores when required. Determining the transferability of credit earned at Seminole State as a non-degree student toward a degree program at another institution is the sole responsibility of the student.

Post-High School Non-Degree Seeking

Non-degree seeking students with a high school diploma but no college degree who are non-degree seeking typically take courses for job improvement or personal enrichment. The following requirements apply to non-degree seeking students with a high school diploma but no college degree:

  • Must complete the application process for admission;
  • Are exempt from College Level Placement Tests;
  • May enroll in any college level course except English or mathematics courses and courses with English or mathematics courses as prerequisites or corequisites;
  • Meet all prerequisite and corequisite requirements;
  • May complete up to 12 hours in non-degree seeking student status. Once a non-degree seeking student exceeds 12 hours, he/she must be reclassified to degree-seeking status and will be required to meet degree-seeking admission and placement testing requirements.
  • Post High School Non Degree Seeking students completing courses for transfer to another institution should determine the transferability of these courses to other institutions prior to enrollment at the College.

Teacher Recertification

Certified K-12 teachers who choose to attend Seminole State to enroll in courses required for recertification must submit their teaching certificate as proof of a bachelor's degree. These students may enroll in lower division college courses and will not be required to satisfy course prerequisites and corequisites. Students admitted in this category must:

  • Complete the application process for admission;
  • Indicate that a Seminole State degree or certificate is not sought and student will be enrolling to satisfy teacher recertification requirements;
  • Submit a copy of their teaching certificate;
  • Students are responsible for their own advising.