Information Technology Security Awareness (Procedure 7.0400)

Based on board policy number and Florida Statutes:F.S. 1001.64; College Policy 7.010
Effective Date:06/2008; 10/2012
Date of Review:05/09; 08/11; 03/12


To ensure that the College community is aware of Seminole State College’s security policies and acceptable use of Information Technology resources.


Users – All employees who have access to College Information Technology resources via a College-assigned Userid and Password.


Security Awareness Statement:

  1. A hard copy of the College's Acceptable Use of Information Technology Policy 7.010and the Security Awareness Statement will be distributed to each employee attending new employee orientation.
  2. Key points of the policy will be communicated to attendees and their questions addressed during the orientation session.
  3. Computing & Telecommunications Services (CTS) will send an electronic communication to all computer users each year during the Fall Term requesting acknowledgement of the Security Awareness Statement.
  4. CTS will send follow up electronic communication to unresponsive users and their supervisor will be copied on this e-mail, expecting timely acknowledgment of the policy.
Recommended byExecutive TeamDate10/16/2012
ApprovedPresident, E. Ann McGeeDate10/19/2012
